Sunset at Volcan Osorno in Puerto Octay

Volcan Osorno at sunset

The calm before the storm.

Damiano vs. The Ravine

And you thought those quads were just for biking.

After the hail storm and the false arrows

Finally locating the correct arrows, we slog back down the dirt road in drizzling rain. In the distance, the van is coming to our rescue.
Saint Damiano hands out cookies, bananas and re-fills our water bottles.
Javier has another factual commentary about the area, but as usual, no one is paying attention.

Robin tucks her riding crop into a convenient hideaway. Lore smiles at the sun peeking out of the clouds. It's time to shed some layers.

Getting sidetracked in Entre Lagos

Having avoided massive volumes of food and drink, Judy and Lore are bright-eyed and bushy tailed this morning - gearing up for another long day. Damiano polices the water bottles for authorized fluids.

After a most elaborate breakfast buffet to top off the decadence of the evening, the group gets bundled up in the misting rain.

Moments after a hailstorm and a couple of kilometers onto the gravel road, we discover that we may have taken a wrong turn. Everyone refuses to turn back and we press on through the pouring rain.
Scott and Mary decide to defect from the group and go back to find the arrows. The rest of the group grumbles in dissent, but reluctantly follows along.

A ravishing dinner at the Hotel Termas

Bob is all smiles about something. Apparently biking with his wife in the freezing rain agrees with him. Perhaps it was his apres ride power nap with said wife. Robyn is looking a little rosey cheeked herself, having quaffed down her 2nd glass of Carmenere.

The camera blurs in on Judy and Scott smirking and saying "Whis-kee" to force the smile. Scott is dreaming up his next devilish attack on innocent parties sitting across from him at the table.

After a long cold downhill ride.

After a long cold wet day on the bike,
Carmenere and Pisco Sours fireside at the Hotel Termas De Puyehue. Lianne is favoring her smashed up elbow.
Nobody is paying attention to Javier (again).
Why are these photos so blurry?

Who poured Pisco into my camera?

Paso Cardenal Samore (elev. 3942 ft, 32 degrees F)

Judy and Billy warm up in the van.
The warmest coat in the southern hemisphere.
The coat that on separate occasions saved both Mary and Judy from freezing.

Lore is testing the water temperature in the Hotel Termas De Puyehue.

The Hotel Termas De Puyehue. The most lavish dinner and breakfast of the trip. Wonderful Pisco Sours, too!

Riding to the Cardenal Samore Pass

Bob, we aren't even halfway there yet. Robin reaches in her pack to pull out the whip.
Damiano lays out the spread at the Pass. Cold ham quiche in the snow, yum. Here is where powdered asparagus soup never tasted so good.

It's a religious experience once you've pedaled to the top

Mary's view, shivering uncontrollably inside the van.

At the Hosteria El Establo in Villa La Angostura

We head off for dinner on our own in Villa la Angostura. The waitress is as patient as a saint and so eager to help, but speaks not a word of English. She tells us that "el venado" is Bambi.

Lore wonders what the temperature will be at the Cardenal Samore Pass. Carol, fueled with vigor from yesterday's acheivement, is happy today to be pedalling on pavement.

Scott has packed some extra toys in the pockets of his jacket in case of an afternoon detour.

Gearing up for the long haul over the Andes. Today's mileage is 93K on asphalt. Today's temperature is 2 degrees Celsius. Brrrr...

Mountain biking along the shore of Lake Nahuel Huapi

Bob stops for a refreshing sip of Pisco Sour, uh, I mean water.
Winding through the myrtle along Lake Nahuel Huapi.
Anibal discovers a detour on the trail and decides to turn back.
View over Lake Espejo, at the end of the mountain bike trail. Damiano and Javier wait for us with hot tea, soup and snacks.
Carol finishes the mountain bike trail wet and cold but with a smile on her face.

Moutain biking in the Bosque de los Arrayanes

Anibal yells "One One!" and he takes off. Although everyone is psyched to finally get on their bikes, most of us are not sure at first how we will get our bikes to roll over the tangles of roots.
Taking a break on the trail. Robyn leads the pack, as usual. Bob is smiling, si? Maybe no? Perhaps at this point, he is wishing he was playing golf instead.
Bob has a dirty butt from a nasty spill. Now Bob is having a lot of fun on his Dirty Bike. Golf is for sissies.
Scott and Lianne stop for a sweet pose. Billy wonders if Carol is going to kill him later.

Finally on the bikes!

Anibal points out the dreaded ibis bird. Little do we know, this noisy bird will come to torment us in our final days in Chiloe.
Let the photo wars begin!

On the ferry to Angostura

After her dinner of beets and lettuce and a smashingly alcohol-laden Don Carlos for dessert, Robyn insists on riding her bike on the ferry to Villa La Angostura. The wind chill is 35 degrees F...this is balmy compared to what is to come. The rest of us hunker down in the cabin to watch the views.
The views over Lake Nahuel Huapi (Tiger Lake).
The scenic (and touristic) hike through the myrtle on Isla Victoria.

Dogs of Bariloche

Dog pick-pocket? I think not. He's caught a whiff of the leftover biscuit in her purse.

This lady charges tourists 20,000 pesos to take photos of her St. Bernards. If you try the "No hablo Espanol" thing with her, she'll spit on you and take off in the opposite direction.

Video: Chiloe Dog Dance

Darwin was right! There are interesting biological phenomena to be observed on the Island of Chiloe.

November 11, 2007.
Day one. Part of the group at Llao Llao - waiting for the ferry in the chilly air and high winds. Chomping at the bit to get on the bikes. Where are Lianne and Scott?

Welcome to San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina

Bariloche, Argentina. November 10, 2007.

The Latin American version of Aspen , Colorado - great views, bohemian lifestyle, but no foo-foo American chain stores.

No ADA compliant sidewalks here.

The Dirty Bikes shop is down the steps towards the lake, then take a right on the same street as the cathedral.

View of Lago Nahuel Huapi ("tiger island")